
Running out of reason of why am angry.....

There is no explanation for this annoying feeling that seem not to go away. I am who i am, whatever it is makes me who i am, i wonder sometimes if i could live with out it, i think it would be nice not to get angry for no good reason; perhaps i could be normal for once?, and appreciate everything that i have and focus on that, so everything could go smooth... Smooth?? what is smooth? right!?! my brian don't comprehend smooth, slowing down, taking breaks or even sleep... There's have to be someting to fix this.. what about? FIX ME!!! is getting out of controll, don't like controll, don't like to be controll, that leaves us with one of the one thousand reasons why is out of controll....

Is great when i don't think of things that been bothering me and can't do nothing about it.... is great when those things seem to fade away at one point or another... but my life is not great because those things are many things that comes and goes flashing day and night, like there is no breaks or something to subtitute such thing as BREAK!!!....

Let me borough a chance to sit and not think or feel angry... in that chance let me borough a happy feeling, positive thoughts and be able to understand many things of those things that are not making any sense to me. I want to think normal, feel normal, react to deceptions like normal, take everyday life that is so fucked up like normal, you know?? get over things and keep going, and keep in my mind those many positive things that i hear all the time that don't seem to stay in like "Don't worry about the things that you can't change" you know?? well..... hopely one day my brain will comprehend and for once take practice on those many positive things said to ME!!...


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  3. Great post! It really got me thinking.....
